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Dating life on hold? Now’s the time to get back to cultivating true conversation.

April 3, 2020 fiftyandfrustrated 3 min read 2 Comments

Dating life on hold? Now’s the time to get back to cultivating true conversation.

April 3, 2020 Anne Jones 3 min read 2 Comments
true conversation among friends

Lately, I’ve been feeling a bit at loose ends. I have a nice man that I’ve been talking to but, with today’s strictures due to COVID-19, it’s best that we don’t meet. Perhaps you also have this problem? You feel like your dating life is on hold and, like me, you’re getting frustrated. Then it’s time to get back to true conversation.

True discussion. No more texting.

Pick up the phone. Hear a voice. Hear a laugh. Hear sadness and empathize.

We need to reconnect. Be it with that guy/gal you met before self-isolation started that you haven’t been able to see, or just family and friends. Reach out and talk.

Let’s not beat around the bush, things are a bit surreal now and these last few years people have relied more and more on their phones.

Your version of connecting may have looked like this:

how not to converse

Cell phones have become a prominent fixture in society to stay connected around the globe, but this has stopped us from connecting on a more personal level.

And with today’s self-isolation in effect, many think that’s okay. We’re used to it. We spent our days tethered to our phones and thought we were connecting, but we were not. We were disconnected from each other.  

We have forgotten the art of conversation. We have forgotten how to write letters—kids don’t even learn cursive in schools anymore—how weird is that?

Here are eight—yeah, I first had seven but that just seemed too normal, and I like to think I’m slightly off-kilter. So here are eight conversation starters that are designed to get you truly talking.

  1. As Christmas season approaches what song is it that you just can’t wait to hear?
  1. If you had to write your own personal definition of “Success” what would it be?
  1. What is your favorite saying or quotation?
  1. If you were an airline pilot and told to choose any route that you would have to fly for your entire career, what two cities would your flights connect?
  1. What is the greatest lesson in life you’ve ever learned?
  1. If you had to be of a different ethnicity than you actually are, to which heritage would you most like to belong?
  1. Aside from family, friends, or pets, what would be the most difficult thing for you to give up in life?
  1. What would your dream house look like? Be as descriptive as possible?

And then think about how you would continue that conversation.

  1. If someone says, “White Christmas,” ask them why…should evoke a wonderful memory for them to share, and then you reciprocate with your song.
  1. How did you come up with that?
  1. Interesting, you could say something about the saying, how it connects with you. Or ask if they can remember where they heard it or when they started using the saying.
  1. Have you been to those cities? What makes them special? What do you like most about them?
  1. Who taught you that or where/how did you learn it?
  1. What about that heritage fascinates you?
  1. Please do not say your phone. This takes us down the dark road and I’ll have to turn on my Flashlight App to get us back on track. Answer with a specific food/drink (cheese/bourbon) and follow the path of sharing likes and dislikes.
  1. I love talking about dreams. Shows positive outlook on life and you can take this wherever you want. Discuss other dreams.

You get the gist. So, let’s get back to true connection, true conversation.

We may not be here yet.

couple enjoying conversation time

But let’s get to here.

cultivate true conversation

Happy chatting y’all.

Until next time, thanks for reading Fifty and Frustrated. And be sure to share. I’m all in on conversing. Comment below and let me know if you need another question or ask me one. I’ll be sure to answer.

Anne Jones

Currently anchored in the mountains of North Carolina, I blog about things that move me and things I love. So mostly food, travel, and everyday madness.

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  • Drug Rehab Near Me April 11, 2020 at 3:42 pm

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    • Anne Jones April 11, 2020 at 5:55 pm

      At the bottom of my site there’s a Subscribe link, just need to enter your name and email. There’s also a link in the menu bar at left if you’re on a laptop or computer. If you’re on mobile phone, sadly it’s all the way at the bottom. I need to move it up closer. Much thanks for the note.

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    Hi, I’m Anne

    This is my creative space. I'm now 54 years old and currently anchored in the heat of Houston, Texas. I blog about anything that moves me and about what I love. So mostly food, travel, and everyday madness. I hope you enjoy and come back often.

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