Once again, as I sit here at my desk in Flat Rock, NC, contemplating the state the world is in, I thought I’d share my thoughts.
I have been self-isolating—okay, sporadically—since March 8, 2020, when I returned from my WTZQ Radio cruise. And we’re gonna do it again next year so stay tuned.
I had to go downtown this past Saturday, March 21—beautiful day—and soak up some vitamin D and get a coffee from my local coffeehouse. As an introverted/extrovert, my extroverted side had been badly neglected and needed a social fix. I was truly surprised so many people were out and about. Many places were open with only curbside takeout or sitting outside among the patio tables and chairs. But it was also nice to see.

People supporting the community by helping businesses to stay open. I had brought Miss Bella with me and she garnered a lot of attention. Yes, she is a people pleaser and has the softest hair. I know because many ladies who strolled by and stroked her (at a distance from me) were very jealous that her hair was softer than theirs. It was nice to know that I wasn’t alone in my “I’m gonna go nuts if I remain in my house one more minute” mood.
So, I drank my coffee, worked a bit on my laptop, got some rays, chatted up a few people and went home happy—for the remainder of that day.
Come Sunday, I was again thinking of what to do with myself. There is only so much busy work and binge watching one can do in one’s own domicile.
I have been sticking to my healthy lifestyle—again, for the most part. I’ve been doing Sun Basket meals and part Keto. Mainly it’s a lean and clean plan, keeping out the starch and sugar, and trying to stay away from alcohol.

This week has been particularly tough, not sure why but I’m starting to feel the need to go ballistic, and I mean that in a very self-destructive way.
So, in not really wanting to go to the store—yes, I’ve really taken to this self-isolation thing. Though perhaps since I’m in bummy clothes, I just don’t feel the need to go to the store. And trust me, I have worn PJs to the store before. Note to self: I must invest in a ballcap of some kind to avoid self-isolation hair.
I gotta say that I was a bit shocked by the news of North Carolina closing schools until May 15, though I believe other states have closed them for the rest of the school year, which begs the question: What is everyone doing with their kids?
Makes me think of the times I dropped my son off at the neighbors’ and he would do activities with the other kids. But we’re not even allowed that today, so tell me what you’re doing with your kids. I would really like to know.
Now, back to the sugar. I’m craving pancakes so a quick look into my pantry reveals pumpkin puree (it belongs to Bella, but she won’t mind if I use some) and maple syrup. Oh, wonder of wonders. I’m almost in heaven.
Thus, begins the search for a pumpkin pancake recipe. Okay, there are some good ones out there, but nope don’t have milk or all-purpose flour. Hmm, can I substitute?
Yes. I found something close to what I have in my kitchen, because, again, remember I do NOT want to go to the store. Plus, it’s raining. Yeah, yeah, it’s only five minutes down the road, but still…
Now I’ve learned a couple tips over the years for “fluffy” pancakes—don’t trust that word just cause it’s in the recipe—you must mix the dry and wet ingredients separately. And then, when you’re about ready to cook (Please, people, preheat your pan.), you stir the dry ingredients into the wet and mix until all the large lumps of flour disappear. AND, and this is BIG, you must use baking powder and baking soda, so when a recipe marked “fluffy” doesn’t have both ingredients I move on.
The recipe I found (thanks Kare!) makes 12 pancakes. Now that’s a bit absurd for just lil ole me so I cut everything in half and hoped for 6 pancakes—some for dinner tonight and some for tomorrow’s breakfast with my morning coffee.

And please don’t ask me why I have Distilled White Vinegar in my cupboard. I truly can’t remember what for or when I used it, though the fact that it’s more than half gone is telling.
I drop the tablespoon of vinegar into my Unsweetened Almond Milk and busy myself with the dry ingredients while I wait for it to curdle. And yes, folks, it does seem to do some form of curdle.
Now I did let the batter rest the requisite 5 minutes as instructed—it thickens. And, yes, I did taste my batter like any good cook. Can’t make it till you taste it. So, yum, I’m looking forward to dinner!
Another tip I’ll give you is that I keep a plate warming in the oven at 250 degrees F. I want warm pancakes when I’m ready to eat and I just don’t have the griddle to make all six at one time. (Product suggestions, anyone?)
So, as I got to cooking number 4, I realized my batter wouldn’t make six—yeah that first one was a tad bigger than it should have been—so a slight adjustment since I had four really large pancakes was two small ones. I’m a very flexible kind of gal.
My final dilemma: Blueberries or banana as a topping? You can see which I chose.

No worries, we’ll go with blueberries for breakfast.
All in all, I’m a happy camper. And if you’re looking for a moral to this story, let’s just say you gotta do what makes you happy and keeps you sane. We must continue to work together and help each other learn and grow.
I welcome all your thoughts and comments. And be sure to look back at my past thoughts here.
Till next time on Fifty and Frustrated, stay well.
So glad to hear you’re doing well! Hope you find a nice hat 😂